Friday, October 16, 2009


Hi All,

Just completed the first phase of work on, a new cloud computing services company website.

Our introduction:

Welcome to cloudTP, your place for help with cloud computing. Don't make your way into the clouds without an experienced guide. Our founders are experts in helping companies gain business advantage from disruptive technologies.

cloudTP provides you current information on:

Ready to climb ahead by transitioning your systems and organization to the cloud?
Check out our service offerings.


Erik Sebesta and The Cloud Technology Partners team

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Best Chocolate in the World

Which company makes the best chocolate in the world?


To test this poll, I gave my wife one of each of the highest priced dark chocolate bars from the fanciest stores in Boston. She provided the first vote.

Regardless of this poll, it was a good idea.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Rrankk Custom Style Test

You can create, style, and embed polls into your blog. Here are a couple examples...

View Results


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why Radio Button Voting Sucks

Here's how to merge your poll named Why Radio Button Voting Sucks into a sentence.

Here's an example of embedding a teaser or widget...

Friday, October 12, 2007

SND Boston Friday

It was a fast and furious day exhibiting at SND Boston. A diverse group of attendees from Holland, Singapore, Egypt, Mexico, Canada, Turkey, Ball St, Wichita St, UNC, Purdue, Germany, and more. At the end of the day, we started asking people to vote for their favorite sessions. If you haven't voted yet, go for it.

Made me wish I could have attended. Fortunately, the Poynter team was selling their helpful book, EyeTracking the News, from their How Reader's Read session about which people raved.

...And if you haven't created your own topic for your own blog or website, well, what are you waiting for...give it a try! To quote the CTO of Xconomy, it took me 20 minutes to create and style the topic to look like my website. If I'd had an HTML manual, it would have taken me 5. Here's the Xconomy example we used in our demo to show how they embed our rrankking widget.



Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Integration test with Staging Server

We've been trying some web demo companies. Here are our favorites.